Friday, April 23, 2010

I fall in love with you when I was 19

19 years old, a girl had just learned what "like" what "
Love it. "
19 years old, a young girl the most beautiful time.
19 years old, a girl on the love the most sincere and dedicated time.
Girls, if you time in the 19-year-old fell in love with a boy. So, please bear in mind his face, because you may need a lifetime to forget this face.
19-year-old you do not understand what is called perfect match.
19-year-old you will not think of what is "potential shares."
19-year-old you will not find bread romantic than roses.
If everyone has to dream age. Then, for each 19-year-old girl in his dream is a happy princess, a prince and a happy love life.
Girls, if you love a boy 19 years old. You will exhaust the body strength to love him, even if only in exchange for half-memories.
19-year-old you love him, love him no matter the strength, because you do not know what is real.
19-year-old you love him, love him, this man is no impurity, pure and perfect love.
19-year-old you, fall in love with him, you are the best years of youth with their enchant one and his future.
19-year-old you, fall in love with him, will be exhausted all the strength, desperate love.
Girls, please bear in mind that you are 19 years old in love with you. Doomed to this life you can not forget him.
Best time of life you used to love him.
Your life to the most pure love to him.
You own the most beautiful years to accompany him.
You love him despite everything.
Girls, please bear in mind your 19-year-old man who fell in love.
Because he must be your true love.
Years later, you will understand, you go hard to simply fall in love with a "person."
Girls, please bear in mind your 19-year-old man who fell in love.